Observing is a skill that needs to be mastered by anyone who wishes to work as a behaviorist or a dog trainer. Obviously anyone who wants to share their live with dogs will benefit from a well developed observation skill.
This course is designed to help you develop that skill. To become aware of how to observe and what to observe. Paying attention to the sensory communication channels of the dog will help you to understand what influences their behavior, environmental factors as well as internal influences in the dog.

Understanding how your brain functions in different ways to pay attention to the world around you, will help you how to pay attention, stay open to new perceptions and not be limited by previous observations and generalisations.

“Nothing could be more profound than the difference in attention ,
because it is in and through attention that the world comes into being for us
and we come into being for it.”
- Dr Iain McGilchrist -

This is the online theoretical course,
which precedes the in person practical workshops.
The course can be folowed as a stand alone theory lecture.

Hi, I'm Els and this is my girl Lissa.

After studying for 11 years in the field of physical therapy for humans (physiotherapy, manual therapy and osteopathy) Els' interests shifted to canine behaviour and she followed courses with Turid Rugaas and Amber Batson, among others.

Now she is combining all these different fields in her own Belgian-based business FreeDogz.

Els is an international speaker, she has given lectures and workshops in several countries. The main topics have been the anatomical reasons in a dog’s neck to use harnesses and sensory integration for dogs, a new look at behaviour and behaviour modification. Above all, she is passionate about sharing her insights to help dogs and their owners.

With a keen understanding that the body and emotions cannot be separated, Els has successfully used sensory integration in both canine motor rehabilitation and canine behaviour therapy.

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